What do I do with an NFT?
by Trippies Team
You've spent hours looking at every collection that was whitelisted. You were able to mint and finally received your precious. THE NFT you never knew you wanted. Now what? We’ve seen a variety of fun ways present and share the best of your NFT collections. So let’s take a peak.
Here are five things to do with your NFT!
Commission a metal plate print to display to the masses of visitors to your abode. Getting your NFT printed on a custom metal plate to easily enjoy the best angles of your Trippie seems like the smartest move one could make. Flex your Gator at the office. Let them know.
Blow it up… with a custom decal or cardboard print from Fathead. Take your Trippie on the road with you. Slap it on a window and drive in the HOV like the true hodler you are. And watch the sea of traffic clear the way.
Slap it on a telephone post, bathroom wall or your locker. There’s no wrong place for a Trippie to be placed out in the wild. Stickers from Sticker Mule are a great option for mass trippie exposures.
Make your Trippie the logo, mascot or legal business partner of your online business. It’s easy to do. Use your Trippie in marketing outreach, banner ads and full suit mascots that spin arrows in front of your parents dry cleaning and upholstery cleaning express service(merely an example). The sky's the limit when a Trippie is at the forefront.
Commission a painting of your Trippie. Art is merely flattery of reality. What Trippie wouldn't look good on a canvas. Let blades, brushes and paper mache in the hands of skilled artists bring a new homage for generations to enjoy. Some say throwing a Trippie over the headboard keeps the paperhands at bay. Just saying!
So there you have it. Five ways to enjoy your NFT. Get your max value from your Trippies. There's no better time to get started than now.
Levar gets it. Do you?