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The Trippies Blog


We need more Trippies! Introducing our Recruit-A-Friend referral program. We are excited to give you the opportunity to share your love of Trippies with friends, coworkers, baristas, that guy Steve from accounting, and your mom. Recruit someone into Trippies and if they buy a Ghost Pirate NFT you'll get 20% of the sale.

Wow, just wow!

How's it work?

For you to properly get credited for a sale your new recruit must use your referral link. It's as simple as that.

Copy your link and share it on social media, blogs, newsletters and websites. If someone clicks and purchases you’ll get credit for that recruitment!

When do I get paid?

Referral window closes at the end of October at the conclusion of the Ghost Pirate NFT mint. Once over, referrals will be credited upon final verification.

Get your referral link now